INVENTHEI envisions that by 2025 a critical mass of highly educated young entrepreneurs and innovators will be trained by the participating higher education institutions (HEIs), contributing to the emergence of highly dynamic innovation districts and favouring the setup or inshore ofknowledge-intensive companies on cutting edge technologies, value added products and services, and innovative business models. Innovation districts also have an enhanced capacity to provide students with new ideas, skills and entrepreneurial talent. Students are the new generations of professionals, but they can also be trained and encouraged to become innovators and entrepreneurs, contributing to the creation of jobs and economic growth.
INVENTHEI builds on existing practices and infrastructures to enhance the regional innovation ecosystems and promote innovation-driven research. One of the objectives is to setup an HEIdriven European Network of Innovation districts. Together, the consortium will build on existing experience and will explore synergies with research and innovation activities to nurture and foster an innovation and entrepreneurial culture in the participating universities.
INVENTHEI will implement an IVAP built around 3 dimensions connected to the EIT pillars:
– Learning and Mentoring programmes, focused on training, mentoring and engagement of students and staff (education pillar).
– Learning and Teaching structures, focused on providing testbeds and innovation driven research (innovation pillar).
– Learning and Collaboration, focused on programs for collaboration and exchange between industry, research and academia (business pillar).



Data início

2021 - 07

Data de conclusão prevista

2023 - 06

Instituição Financiadora

European Institute of Innovation & Technology

Instituição Proponente

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Instituição Prestadora

University of Targoviste
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
Reitoria da Universidade do Porto
TTK University of Applied Sciences
UPTEC - Associação de Transferência de Tecnologia da Asprela
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
University of Pardubice
University of Sheffield


EIT Manufacturing (KIC LE)

Orçamento Global

1.198.450,00 €


Página FEUP


João Pedro Gomes Moreira Pêgo (Investigador Responsável)

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
